February 15th, 2025 by Ray

-The Weekend Wonders event is in full swing! Elemental stones & Raid drops are increased by 10%, additionally a chance to get Full Vitality by farming monsters!
-Adjusted & Enabled Change of Hearts for the Weekend.

-Adjusted Captains HP.
-Power Units will spawn again to avoid stuck on Barracks restoration.

Castle Dungeons
-Addition of ‘Stubborn Resistance’ cancel as per retail.
-Raid bosses will no longer use Raid Curse but ‘Stubborn Resistance’.
-Fortress Pailaka waves delay will be faster (same as on Castle one).
-Players will be able to re-enter on both Dungeon / Rim Pailaka upon disconnect etc.
-Adjusted HP of Minions & Raid bosses based on retail on Rim Pailaka.

-Fixed FoG & Stakato nest unable to move and stuck at certain locations (retail geodata bug).

Event Buffer
-Changed G.Shield / Siren’s Dance to G.Might / Dance of Vampire for Soul Hound class.

-Enabled Subclass & Noblesse service.