February 21st, 2025 by Ray

Newbie bonuses
-Every Character Created since 17th February will receive Newbie Box that contains: Rune of EXP/SP 50% 5 Days, 1 Revita-Pop & 1 Potion of Energy Maintenance.
-Vitality is not consumed until lvl 20.
-Changed Client Limit for the Weekend: 2 clients (+1 with Standard Premium)

-Raid Challenger enabled.
-Change of Hearts Event cleanup.
-All Castles are now available for Registration.
-Enabled Cursed Weapons.

-Adjusted Baium’s skill range based on retail.
-Adjusted Baylor’s skill range based on retail.
-Fix for Turn Undead Lethal skill types, will no longer apply half damage.

-Increased chance for DinosaurEggDropChance on ‘A Powerful Primeval Creature’ Quest.
-Increased Water Dragon Scale/Clow drop count to 9.
-Increased a bit chance to get Tateossian Recipe from Egg Delivery & Delivery of Special Liquor.
-Increased Chance for Ancient Egg quest item on A Powerful Primeval Creature.

Four Sepulchers
-Increased chance for Key Box on second room.
-Added logs to debug Key Box rarely not spawning.
-Fixed ‘Cannot See Targets’ on few Corner monsters.
-Hitting Statues with Infinity Spear will cancel their Petrification.

INERA Store / Services
-Addition of A bundle of 2 Premium Coupons with discount price.
-Enabled Nature’s box.